Machine Learning for Kids is a course designed to introduce children to the basics of machine learning. The course provides a fun and interactive way for children to learn about the concepts and techniques used in machine learning, such as data collection, feature engineering, and model training.

Throughout the course, children will have the opportunity to work on various projects and experiments, using easy-to-use tools and platforms. They will learn how to collect data, clean and preprocess it, and use it to train machine learning models. They will also learn how to evaluate and test their models, and how to use them to make predictions and solve real-world problems.

The course is suitable for children with little or no prior experience in programming or data analysis. It is designed to be engaging and interactive, with plenty of hands-on activities and challenges. By the end of the course, children will have a basic understanding of the fundamentals of machine learning and will have developed their problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

Introduction to Machine Learning


  • Learn about Artificial Intelligence
  • Relationship between ML and AI
  • How to create a new Model in ML
  • Phases of ML Model
  • Learn how to Train your ML Model
  • Learn, Test and make your ML Model

Animal Sorter


Use Machine Learning to create an image recognition system capable of recognizing and sorting pictures of animals.

Playing Rock, Paper, Scissors Against Your Computer


Use ML to recognize the different hand shapes that you make in the game Rock, Paper, Scissors and then program the computer to play against you.

Recognizing Movie Posters


 Use ML to recognize the style of a picture rather than its subject. Image search engines can recognize the visual style of images, allowing you to filter image search results by type.

Mail Sorting


Use ML to recognize handwriting and see how OCR can be used to quickly sort letters.

Insulting a Computer


Use ML to recognize different tones and emotion in written text, a technique known as sentiment analysis.

Recognizing Language in Newspapers


Use ML to recognize different characteristics and styles of writing.

Finding an Object in a Picture


Use ML to learn to find something that’s only a small part of a much bigger picture.

Smart Assistants


Use ML to recognize the meaning of text.



Use ML model that understand the meaning of text, can be used to build question answering (QA) systems.

Avoiding the Monster


Use ML model to navigate a character through a maze while avoiding a monster

Tic Tac Toe


Train an ML model to play Tic Tac Toe

Confusing the Computer


In this model, you’ll train an image classifier to recognize pictures of objects, but you’ll introduce bias to make it get things wrong.