For a lightweight option that can be integrated as a supplemental resource in an existing technology or programming class, or as an after-school program, offers the 30-hour Computer Science Fundamentals Express Course. This course covers all the core concepts from the elementary school curriculum Computer Science Fundamentals, but at an accelerated pace designed for older students.

  • Audience: Students ages 7-10
  • Curriculum length: 40 hours
  • Prior Knowledge: None! Just bring your curiosity
  • Cost to use curriculum: None
  • Languages: English


Learn computer science by trying the lessons below at your own pace! Learn to create computer programs, develop problem-solving skills, and work through fun challenges! Make games and creative projects to share with friends, family, and teachers.

  • Programming with Angry Birds
  • Debugging in Maze
  • Collecting Treasure with Laurel
  • Creating Art with Code
  • Swimming Fish in Sprite Lab
  • Making Sprites
  • Sprites in Action
  • Virtual Pet with Sprite Lab
  • Dance Party
  • Loops with Rey and BB-8
  • Mini-Project: Sticker Art
  • Nested Loops in Maze
  • Snowflakes with Anna and Elsa
  • Looking Ahead with Minecraft
  • If/Else with Bee
  • While Loops in Farmer
  • Conditionals in Minecraft: Voyage Aquatic
  • Until Loops in Maze
  • Harvesting with Conditionals
  • Functions in Minecraft
  • Functions with Harvester
  • Functions with Artist
  • Text and Prompts
  • Counting with Variables
  • Using Variables with the Artist
  • Variables with the Bee
  • For Loops with Bee
  • For Loops with Artist
  • End of Course Project